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Indian Point

My number one priority has been and will be ensuring that the plant’s operator and regulating agencies are doing their job to protect the safety and security of everyone who lives around the plant.

I have not hesitated to take my concerns to the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, which has oversight responsibilities, the Department of Homeland Security, which must consider the integrity of evacuation procedures, and officials of Entergy, which owns the plant. It was inexcusable that in 2005, during routine testing, many of the sirens designed to warn of an emergency failed. Entergy officials were rightly called on the carpet and pressured into installing reliable and state of the art equipment.

By the same token, the Nuclear Regulatory Commission has an obligation to keep the public informed about problems with the plant’s operation and any radioactive leaks, ‘small’ or otherwise. I recently met with NRC officials, along with other members of the area Congressional delegation, to express our displeasure with NRC oversight of the plant and levels of public communication.

In addition, I have pressed for an Independent Safety Assessment of the plant to identify weaknesses in the design, construction, maintenance, and operation of the facility which could lead to leaks or unexpected equipment failures.

The government’s response to Hurricane Katrina deepened my concerns with FEMA’s ability to ensure a truly viable emergency plan for Indian Point. In a hearing before the Transportation & Infrastructure Committee, I pressed Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff for a renewed federal commitment to improving FEMA’s emergency preparedness plans for Indian Point. I was pleased that the Department of Homeland Security subsequently agreed to participate in an emergency preparedness summit I organized with local, state and federal officials, but at this point, I am not yet satisfied with the emergency plans and share the concerns of County Executives in Rockland, Westchester and Orange Counties about the adequacy of evacuation procedures.

As a result of the summit and pressure from my office, Homeland Security has moved more staff into the field in New York and has agreed to participate in additional summits in the near future. I’ll not be satisfied until state and local officials have confidence in the emergency preparedness plans.

I’ve also introduced legislation to strengthen Indian Point’s defenses against a water-borne attack. Currently, Indian Point is protected on the Hudson River by a tugboat. The Coast Guard itself acknowledged to me in a hearing that this was not a sufficient defense against a fast-moving terrorist attack, and therefore I’ve introduced legislation that will provide stronger defenses for Indian Point on the Hudson River.

Whether the plant is operating or closed, the rods will remain at the site for some time. Constant vigilance will be required to ensure that the site remains secure and the public protected.

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